Monday, July 21, 2014

Forks, WA

Forks, WA is a small logging town located on the western side of the Olympic Peninsula.  We used it for our base camp since we would be sightseeing several things in this area of the Olympic National Park.   Forks was a big logging town until the National Park took a lot of the land and the efforts to save the Spotted Owl took its toll.  There is still a LOT of logging in the least it appeared that way to us.  There seemed to be a steady stream of logging trucks on Hwy 101 from south of Forks all the way back up north to Port Angeles.   The timber industry was very much present in Port Angeles, especially around the ship loading docks where there were acres of logs stacked and ready to be loaded onto ships.  One of the locals told us that the logs were mostly being sent to China.
Back in Forks, in the south end of town, there is a Timber Museum which gives you a look back at the timber industry, the loggers and their tools of the trade. 

 The welcome sign represents the industry in this little town which is logging and fishing.

It was only fitting that a logging truck went by while we were at the museum and Chamber of Commerce buildings.

 The logging trucks are everywhere.   Some of the log trucks pull a small trailer behind them. 

You would see logs stacked up at the many bark removal sights.  This one was at Port Angeles.

  This is the machine used to take the bark off.

  Headed to the ship.

One of the ships that was loaded with the logs at Port Angeles.

As we were out sightseeing one day, we turned onto a small back road and came face to face with a log truck coming right at us in the middle of the road.  It must have been coming down from a logging sight, but there was nothing to indicate that you needed to "Beware Of Trucks"  or "Stay of Back Roads".   :)   We pulled over and let him pass.  Then we went back to the main road and didn't take anymore of those small one lane roads.

 After they off load their logs, they hoist the main trailer onto the truck piggy back style.  We assume they do this because they travel such long distances and it saves the tires on the trailers.

The other claim to fame for the small town of Forks is the movie series "Twilight".  Forks is the setting for the books and movies.    Since the release of the movies, Forks has tripled the amount of tourists coming into town. 

Me with the Twilight cast inside the Chamber of Commerce building.

This is a replica of Bella's truck that sits outside.  You will see lots of young people having their picture taken beside this truck.

La Push is an  Indian town near the coast only 12 miles from Forks that was also a setting for the books and movie.  That is where you will see the Treaty Sign.  We haven't seen the movie, so we aren't quite sure what all this is......

Also,  when were at the Visitor center in Forks, we saw a cardboard cutout of Mick Dodge from the National Geographic Channel.  "The Legend of Mick Dodge" TV series is filmed in this area.

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