Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Uh! Oh!

When we left one morning heading south, the motorhome kept cutting off.  Alan would pull off the road and wait a minute and it would start up and go.  This happened once the day before, but we never had any more trouble that day so didn't think much about it.....until it happened again.  However, we drove on for about 125 miles and it did it again.  He pulled over, waited and then off we went.  We knew at this point that something was wrong.  We just hoped that it would keeping running until we got to the next campground.....or at least off the road.  Nope....it started cutting off every few miles. 

Alan was in the middle of changing one of the fuel filters when I spotted the Road Ranger that had stopped to help.

He stayed with us until we were back on the road again.  Unfortunately, it didn't fix the problem, but we were able to make it to the next campground.

We ended up having to get a part the next day and the problem seems to be fixed!
We are headed for home now, so I will sign off the blog.  We had a great vacation, but it's always so good to get back home!

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